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Connecting quickly with dedicated lab customer support agents

Updated over a week ago

Available throughout the entire Dashboard, Live Chat allows you to get in touch with dedicated lab customer support agents easily and conveniently.


  • HIPAA compliant

  • Chat history

  • Upfront lab agent availability and expected reply time

Initiating a live chat request

To initiate a live chat request, simply click the purple chat icon in the lower right hand corner of the page to open the Live Chat home screen. Once opened, click on Send us a message and follow the prompts to begin chatting with your lab's customer support agents.

Viewing your past live chat conversations

For every live chat interaction that you have with a lab customer support agent, a historical record is retained for your convenience. If you ever need to refer back to a past conversation, click on the purple chat icon in the lower right hand corner of the page to open the Live Chat home screen. Once opened, click on See all your conversations.

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